Training and Clinical Activities
Contract psychologist to
the Provincial and Federal Correctional Services of Canada - assessment and
ongoing treatment programs for men on parole for violent and sexual
Private practice specializing
in forensic psychology.
Ontario Review
Board -
Psychologist Member 2003-2021. The Ontario Review Board annually reviews the
status of every person who has been found to be not criminally responsible,
or unfit to stand trial for criminal offences on account of a mental disorder.
Workshops for police
forces (e.g. Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
Expert evidence in a
wide variety of legal cases related to violent and and/or sexual
offenses. These have included long term offender, dangerous offender
and homicide hearings.
Research Interests
The major research interest of our group has
been the study of individuals who have been convicted of violent and
sexual offenses. We have studied diagnostic and treatment issues, as
well as factors related to recidivism in a wide array of violent offenders
including homicidal sex offenders, rapists, incest offenders, child molesters
and exhibitionists.
Abnormal Psychology:
Perspectives (4th Ed. 2010) Dozois, D. & Firestone, P., &
Pearson Education Canada
Abnormal Psychology:
Perspectives (3rd Ed. 2006) Firestone, P., & Dozois, D. Pearson Education
Psychology: Perspectives, (2nd Ed. 2003) Firestone, P., & Marshall, W. Pearson
Education Canada.
Psychology: Perspectives (1999). Marshall, W. & Firestone, P. Pearson
Education Canada.
Recent Publications of Interest With Links to
Full Text:
On line papers may not be exactly as
published. Please refer to published journal if quoting.
John, M.W., Firestone, P., Ahmed, A.G., The Paraphilia
Disorders and Psychopathy. International Handbook of Psychopathic Disorders,
July 2020, John Wiley & Sons.
Bradford, John, M.W. & Firestone,
Philip & Ahmed, Adekunle & Felthous, Alan & S, Hanna. The
Paraphilic Disorders and Psychopathy. CH 29 NOV. 2020, 671-691.
Kingston, D.A., Seto, M.C., Ahmed,
A.G., Federoff, P., Firstone, P., &
Bradford, J.M. (2012) The Role of Central and Peripheral
Hormones in Sexual and Violent Recidivism in Sex Offenders. Journal of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 40:476-485.
D. A., Yates, P.M., Firestone, P. (2012) The Self-Regulation Model of Sexual
Offending: Relationship to Risk and Need. Law and Human Behavior, 36, 3,
Moulden, H.M., & Firestone, P. (2010)
Therapist Awareness and Responsibility in Working With Sexual Offenders, 22,
Moulden, H.M., Firestone, P., Kingston, D.A., &
Wexler, A.F. (2010) A Description of Sexual Offending
Committed by Canadian Teachers. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19,4, 403-418.
D.A., Seto, M.C., Firestone, P., & Bradford, J.M. (2010)
Comparing Indicators of Sexual Sadism as Predictors of Recidivism Among Adult
Male Sexual Offenders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 4,
Moulden, H.M., Firestone, P., Kingston, D.A., &
Bradford, J.M. Recidivism in Pedophiles: An Investigation
Using Different Diagnostic Methods. (2010) Journal of Forensic
Psychiatry and Psychology, 20, 680-701.
Firestone, P., Moulden, H., Wexler, A. (2009)Clerics
who Commit Sexual Offenses: Offender, Offense, and Victim Characteristics.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Vol. 18, 4, 442-454.
Kingston, D.A., Firestone, P. (2009)
Problematic Hypersexuality: A Review of Conceptualization and
Diagnosis. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 15,4, 284-310.
Kingston, D.A., Yates, P.Y., Firestone, P., Babchishin, K., & Bradford, J.M., (2008)
Long-term Predictive Validity of the Risk Matrix: 2000: A Comparison with the
Static-99 and the Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide. Sexual Abuse: A Journal
of Research and Treatment, 20, 466-484.
Kingston, D.A., Firestone, P., Wexler, A., and Bradford,
J.M. (2008) Factors Associated with Recidivism
among Intra-familial Child Molesters. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 14,1,
Kingston, D., Federoff, P., Firestone, P., Curry,
S., & Bradford, J.M. (2008) Pornography Use and Sexual
Aggression: The Impact of Frequency and Type of Pornography On Recidivism In
Sexual Offenders. Aggressive Behavior, 34, 1-11.
J.M., Federoff, P., & Firestone, P. Sexual Violence: A Review. (pgs 441-460) In Ed. Simon, R.I. & Tardiff, K. Textbook of Violence Assessment and
Management. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Washington, D.C. 2008.
J.M., Firestone, P., Ahmed, A.G. The Paraphilias and Psychopathy (pgs.
275-290) . In A.Felthous and
G. Henning (Eds.) The International Handbook of Psychopathic
Disorders and the Law. Chapter 16. West Sussex, England. John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2007
G.S., Firestone,P., Marshall, W.L.and Moulden, H. (2007) Changes
in Coping Following Treatment in Child Molesters. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 22, 9, 1199-1210.
Kingston, A.D., Firestone, P., Moulden, H.M., &
Bradford, J.M. (2007) The Utility of the Diagnosis of
Pedophilia: A Comparison of Various Pedophilic Classifications. Archives of
Sexual Behaviour, 36;423-436.
Nunes, K.L., Hanson, K.R., Firestone, P., Moulden,
H., Greenberg, D. , & Bradford, J.M. (2007) Denial Predicts Recidivism
for Some Sexual Offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Reseearch and Treatment., 19, 2, 91-106.
Moulden, H., M., Firestone, P., and Wexler, A.F. (2007)Child
Care Providers Who Commit Sexual Offenses: A Description of Offender,
Offence and Victim Characteristics. International Journal of
Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology. 51,, 384-406.
Nunes, K. L., Firestone, P., Wexler, A. F., Jensen, T.
L., & Bradford, J. M. (2007). Incarceration and
recidivism among sexual offenders. Law and Human Behavior. 31, 305-318.
Nunes, K.L., Firestone, P., and Baldwin, M.W. (2007)Indirect
Assessment of Cognitions of Child Molesters with the Implicit Association
Test. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 34, 454-475.
Moulden, H.M., and Firestone, P. (2007)
Vicarious Traumatization: The Impact On Therapists Who Work With Sexual
Offenders. Trauma, Violence and Abuse. 8,1, 67-83.
Firestone, P.,Kingston, A.D., Wexler, A., and Bradford, J.M. Long Term Follow-up of
Exhibitionists: Psychological,
Phallometric, and Offence Characteristics.(2006) Journal of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 34, 349-359
Firestone, P., Dixon, K.L., Nunes, K.L., and Bradford, J.M. (2005)A
Comparison of Incest Offenders Based on Victim Age. Journal of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol 33, 2, 223-232.
Firestone, P., Nunes, K.L., Moulden, H., Broom,
I., and Bradford, J.M. (2005) Hostility and
Recidivism in Sexual Offenders.Archives of
Sexual Behavior, Vol.34, No.3, 277-283.
Greenberg, D.M., Firestone,
P., and Nunes, K.L. and Bradford, J.M. Biological
Fathers and Stepfathers Who Molest Their Daughters: Psychological,
Phallometric and Criminal Features. (2005) Sexual Abuse: A
Journal of Research and Treatment, Vol. 17, 1, 39-46.
Serran, G., and
Firestone, P. Intimate Partner Homicide: A Review of the
Male Proprietariness and the Self-Defense
Theories. (2004) Journal of Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 9, 1-15.
Rabinowitz Greenberg, S.R., Firestone, P.,
Bradford, J.M., and Greenberg, D.M.
Prediction of Recidivism
in Exhibitionists: Psychological, Phallometric, and Offence Factors. (2002) Sexual Abuse: A Journal of
Research and Treatment, Vol. 14, 4, 329-347.
Nunes, K. Firestone, P. Bradford, J.M.,
Greenberg, D.M., Broom, I. A Comparison of the Static-99 and the
Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG). (2002), Sexual Abuse: A Journal of
Research and Treatment, Vol. 14, 3, 249-265.
Greenberg, D.M., Bradford, J.M., Firestone, P. & Curry, S. Relationships of Child Molesters. A Study
of victim Relationship with the Perpetrator. (2000), Child
Abuse and Neglect, 24, 11, 1485-1494.
Firestone, P., Bradford,J.M., Greenberg, D.M. & Nunes, K.L. Differentiation of Homicicdal Child Molesters, Nonhomicidal Child
Molesters, and Nonoffenders by Phallometry. (2000) Am
J Psychiatry 157: 1847-1850.
Firestone, P., Bradford,J.M.,
Greenberg, D.M. S.,
& Serran, G.A. The Relationship
of Deviant Sexual Arousal and Psychopathy in Incest Offenders, Extrafamilial
Child Molesters and Rapists. (2000) Journal of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 28,303-308.
Firestone, P.,
Bradford, J., McCoy, M., Greenberg, D.M., Larose, M.R., Curry, S. Prediction of
Recidivism in Court Referred Child Molesters. (2000) Sexual Abuse: A
Journal of Research and Treatment, 12, 3, 203-222.
D.M., Firestone, P. Bradford,J.M., Broom,
I.(2000) Infantophiles.
In Schlesinger, L.B., Serial Offenders: Current Thought, Recent
Findings, Unusual Syndromes. Pgs. 229-246. CRC Press, LLC, N.Y
Firestone, P.,
Bradford, J.M., Greenberg, D.M., McCoy, M., Larose, M.R., Curry, S. Prediction of Recidivism in Incest
Offenders. (1999) Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 14, No. 5,
Firestone, P.,
Bradford, J.M., Greenberg, D.M., Larose, M.R. Homicidal Sex Offenders: Psychological,
Phallometric and Diagnostic Features. (1998) J. American Academy Psychiatry
and Law, Vol 26, No.4, 537-552
Firestone, P.,
Bradford, J.M., Greenberg, D.M., Larose, M.R., Curry, S., Homicidal and Non-Homicidal Child
Molesters: Psychological, Phallometric and Criminal Features.
(1998) Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 10, 4, 305
Firestone, P., Bradford,
J.M., McCoy, M., Greenberg, D.M., Larose, M.R., Curry, S. Recidivism Factors in Convicted
Rapists. (1998) J. American Academy Psychiatry and Law, 26, 2,
I., Firestone, P., Cloutier, P., Ligezinska,
M., McIntyre, J., & Ensom, R. Extrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse:
Predicting Parent and Child Functioning. (1998) Child Abuse and Neglect, Vol.
22, 12, 1285-1304.
Manion, I.G.,
McIntyre, J., Firestone, P., Ligeinska,
M., Ensom, R., & Wells, G. Secondary traumatization in parents following
the disclosure of extrafamilial child sexual abuse: Initial effects.
(1996). Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 20,
(11), 1095-1109.
Ligezinska, M.
& Firestone, P., Manion, I., McIntyre, J., Ensom,
R., & Wells, G. (1996). Children's emotional and behavioral functioning
following the disclosure of extrafamilial sexual abuse. Journal
of Child Abuse & Neglect, 20, (2) 111-125
Publications ADHD
Firestone, P., Monteiro Musten, L., Pisterman,S.,
Mercer, J., Bennett, S., Short-term side effects of stimulant medication are
increased with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A double-blind
placebo-controlled study (1998) Journal of Child and Adolescent
Psychopharmacology, 8,(1), 13-25.
Monteiro-Musten, Firstone, P., Pisterman,
S., Bennet, S. and Mercer, J. The effects of stimulant
medication on pre-school ADHD children: Behavioural and cognitive factors.
(1997) J.of Am. Acad. Ch.
& Adol. Psychiat.,
Claude, D., and Firestone,
P. (1995). The development of hyperactive
boys: A 12-year follow-up. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science, 27, 2, 226-249.
Pisterman, S., Firestone, P., McGrath,
P., Goodman, J.T., Webster, I., Mallory, R., & Goffin,
B. (1992). The Role of Parent Training in the Treatment of Preschoolers with Attention Deficit Disorder with
Hyperactivity. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 62 (3),
Pisterman, S., Firestone, P. McGrath,
Goodman, J.T., Webster, I.,
Mallory, R. (1992). The Effects of Parent Training on Parenting Stress
and Sense of Competence. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 24(1), 41‑58.
Bisnaire, L., Firestone, P., Rynard, D.
(1990). Factors Associated with Academic Achievement in Children
Following Parental Separation. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 60(1), 67-76.
. Pisterman, S.,
McGrath, P., Firestone, P., Goodman, J.T., Webster, I., Mallory,
R. (1989). Outcome of Parent-Mediated Treatment of Preschoolers with Attention Deficit Disorder with
Hyperactivity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57,
Pressman, E., Roche, D.,
Davey, J., & Firestone, P.
(1986). Patterns of auditory perception skills in children with
learning disabilities: A computer‑assisted approach. Journal
of Learning Disabilities, 19 (8), 485‑488.
Alberts‑Corush, J., Firestone, P. & Goodman, J.T. (1986).
Attention and impulsivity characteristics of the biological and adoptive
parents of hyperactive and normal control children. American Journal
of Orthopsychiatry, 56 (3), 413‑423.
Firestone, P., Crowe, D.,
Goodman, J.T. & McGrath, P.
(1986). Vicissitudes of follow‑up studies: Differential
effects of parent training and stimulant medication with hyperactives. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 56 (2), 184‑194.
Butter HJ. Lapierre Y.
Firestone P. Blank A. (1984) Efficacy of ACTH 4-9 analog, methylphenidate, and placebo on attention deficit
disorder with hyperkinesis. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology &
Biological Psychiatry. 8(4-6):661-4, 1984
Butter, H.J., Lapierre, Y‑D.,
Firestone, P., & Blank, A.
(1983). A comparative study of the efficacy of ACTH 4‑9:
Analog methylphenidate and placebo on attention deficit disorder with
hyperkinesis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 3 (4).
Firestone, P., & Peters,
S. (1983). Minor physical anomalies
and behavior in children: A Review. Journal of
Autism and Development Disorders, 13, 411‑425.
Firestone, P.
& Prabhu, A. (1983).
Minor physical anomalies and obstretical complications.
Their relationship to hyperactive, psychoneurotic and normal children and
their families. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 11 (2),
Firestone, P. (1982).
Factors associated with children's adherence to stimulant
medication. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52 (3),
Firestone, P., & Witt,
J.E. (1982). Characteristics of families
completing and prematurely discontinuing a behavioral parent‑training
program. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 7 (2),
Busby, K., Firestone, P.,
& Pivik, T. (1981).
Sleep patterns in hyperkinetic and normal children. Sleep, 4 (4),
Firestone, P., Kelly, J.J.,
Goodman, J.T., & Davey, J. (1981).
Differential effects of parent training and stimulant medication with hyperactives: A progress report. The Journal
of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 20, 135‑147.
Firestone, P., Kelly, M.,
& Fike, S. (1980).
Are fathers necessary in parent‑training groups? Journal
of Clinical Child Psychology, 9 (1), 44‑47.
Firestone, P., & Backman,
J. (1979). A review of pharmacological
and behavioral approaches to the
treatment of hyperactive children. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 49, 500‑504.
Firestone, P., & Martin,
J.E. (1979). An analysis of the hyperactive
syndrome. A comparison of hyperactive, behavior problem,
asthmatic and normal children. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 7 (3), 216‑273.
Firestone, P., Davey, J.,
Goodman, J.T., & Peters, S.
(1978). The effects of caffeine and methylphenidate on hyperactive
children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 7,
445‑446. Also in Pediatric Digest,
Firestone, P., Goodman, J.T.,
& Watters, B. (1978). Systematic desensitization
and its components in childhood disorders: A review. Journal
of Clinical Child Psychology, 7, 142‑148.
Firestone, P., Peters,
S., Riviers, M., & Knights, B. (1978).
Physical anomalies in hyperactives, retardates
and normals, their parents and
siblings. Journal of Child Psychology ad Psychiatry, 19,
Firestone, P., Poitras‑Wright,
H., & Douglas, V.I. (1978). The effects of caffeine on
hyperactive children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 11 (3),
20‑28. Also in Modern Medicine, 1979.
Firestone, P. (1977).
The effects of verbal and material rewards and punishers on the performance
of impulsive and reflective children. The Child Study Journal, 7,
Firestone, P. (1976).
The effects and side effects of time‑out on an aggressive nursery
school child. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 21, 23‑26.
Firestone, P., Lewy, F., &
Douglas, V.I. (1976). Hyperactivity and physical
anomalies. Psychiatry Digest, September, 25‑26.
Firestone, P., Lewy, F., &
Douglas, V.I. (1976). Hyperactive children and
physical anomalies. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2,
P. (1975). Recent trends in autism theory. Ontario
Child Care Work Association Journal, July.
Firestone, P., & Douglas,
V.I. (1975). The effects of reward and
punishment on reaction times and autonomic activity in hyperactive and normal
children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 3,
Publications Behavioural Medicine
P., McGrath, P., & Feldman, W. (1984). Advances in Behavioral Medicine for Children and Adolescents.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Publishers.
P., & Firestone, P. (Eds.) (1983). Pediatric and
Adolescent Behavioral Medicine: Issues
in Treatment.
New York: Springer Publishing Company.
MCGrath, P.J., Humphreys, P., Keene,
D., Goodman, J.T., Lascelles, M.A., Cunnigham,
J., Firestone, P. (1992). The Efficacy and Efficiency
of a Self Administered Treatment for Adolescent Migrain. Pain, (2), 1-4.
Leikin, L., Firestone, P., McGrath, P. & Bernard,
P. Self-report measurement of children's post-surgical
symptoms. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1990, 51,
Guibert, M.B., Firestone, P.,
McGrath, P., Goodman, J.T., Cunningham, J.S. (1990).
Compliance Factors in the Behavioral Treatment
of Headache in Children and Adolescents. Canadian Journal
of Behavioral Science, 22(1),
McGrath, P.J., Humphreys, P.,
Goodman, J.T., Keene, D., Firestone, P.,
Jacob, P. & Cunningham, S.J. (1988). Relaxation prophylaxis of childhood
migraine: A randomized placebo‑controlled trial. Developmental
Medicine and Child Neurology, 30, 626‑631.
Leikin, L., Firestone, P., McGrath,
P.J. (1988). Physical symptom reporting in
Type A & B children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 56, 721‑726.
Leikin, L., Firestone, P., McGrath, P.J.
(1988). Children's physical symptom reporting and parental Type A behaviors. (Abstract). Canadian Psychology, 29,
Cunningham, S.J., McGrath, P.J., Ferguson, H.B., Humphreys, P., D'Astous, J.D., Latter,
J., Goodman, J.T., & Firestone, P. (1987). Personality and
behavioural characteristics in pediatric migraine. Headache, 27,
Richter, I.L., McGrath, P.J.,
Humphreys, P.J., Goodman, J.T., Firestone, P.,
& Keene, D. (1986). Cognitive and relaxation treatment of pediatric migraine. Pain, 25,
Fradkin, B., & Firestone,
P. (1986). Premenstrual Tension,
Expectancy, and Mother‑Child Relations. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 9 (3), 245‑259.
McGrath, P., Goodman, J.T.,
Firestone, P., Shipman, R., & Peters, S.
(1983). Recurrent abdominal pain: A psychogenic
disorder? Archives of Disease of Childhood, 58 (11),
Rose, M., Firestone, P., Heick, H.M.C., & Faught, A.K.
(1983). The effects of anxiety management training on the control of
juvenile diabetes mellitus. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 6 (4).